- Gefördertes Sonderprojekt der HochschülerInnenschaft an der Universität Wien
- Wiener Sprachgesellschaft
Vienna, 16th - 18th of NOVEMBER 2012
About the ÖSKL
The ÖSKL (Österreichische Studierenden-Konferenz der Linguistik - Austrian Students‘ Conference of Linguistics) will take place for the fifth time in 2012, and in Vienna for the second time. This conference offers students of linguistics of all departments the opportunity to give an account of their own research in the form of a presentation (20 minutes plus 10 minutes discussion) to other students. It provides the opportunity to share and discuss research results and ideas amongst peers, get input and feedback for one’s projects and give a (for some participants first) presentation in a professional context. Dissertations, Master’s and Bachelor’s theses as well as presentations of projects or term papers are welcome. Presentations can be held in either English or German.
The conference also understands itself as a platform through which linguistic students of various backgrounds and affiliations get to socialize, establish contacts, form new friendships and find partners for future linguistic projects. Like the years before, there will be the possibility to publish the proceedings of the conference in the online magazine “Wiener Linguistische Gazette”.
The Department for English and American Studies at the University of Vienna is proud to host this auspicious event for young linguistic researchers this year and wishes all participants two enjoyable and rewarding days.
Special Project funded by the official representation of university students at the university of Vienna, ÖH
Dr.-Karl-Lueger-Ring 1
1010 Vienna